Thursday, 21 July 2016

Principal's News Term 3 Week 1

Dear Parents and Friends,

Welcome back to our students and families for Term Three. It promises to be a busy one with many opportunities for learning and growth.

We commenced our new Term with a visit from Liga Miklasevics, a Canadian school principal from the city of Toronto in Ontario, who is here to see the learning in action at St Mary's. Liga is particularly interested in how the students develop strong skills in Mathematics learning and how the teachers differentiate across the curriculum to engage students in authentic learning. Liga is part of the principal exchange program which has been developed over the years between Australia and Canada to bring a global connection for leaders in schools.

It was a pleasure to be part of the Year 1A Liturgy celebrated in St Mary's Church this morning. I congratulate the children on their beautiful responses to their theme that God's love and nourishment is special to all children in the world.

The term ahead will be interesting for us all so we look forward to working closely in partnership with you as we encourage our students to be successful and happy learners.

Yours in peace,