Dear Parents and Friends,
This week we ask all families to reflect on the importance of the season of Lent. As educators we talk to the children about the special ways they can show compassion towards each other and how love is a vital component in their lives, just as Christ made it the basis of His whole message to us.
Lent is a time that we focus on our relationship with God. It is a time for letting go of what prevents us from being the person we want to be. During His public life, Jesus faced temptation. He suffered hunger and thirst, betrayal and the agony and humiliation of crucifixion. He did not face these things so that we could be exempt from them but that we could approach our difficulties in life with dignity.
Recently, I read this reflection from a 14 year old girl: "I give up things for Lent, such as bread or lollies, to symbolise the sacrifice Jesus made during his 40 day fast. I am tempted each day by the things I gave up just as Jesus was."
Of course adults can still give up the equivalent of "bread and lollies" as external gestures of focus on the season of Lent, but more important are the internal matters which, if faced up to in a determined manner, will have lasting effects on the type of person we are beyond the 40 days of Lent.
God you are the focal point on our horizon. Give us the strength to follow the path that leads to you.
Vision for 2016
It has been a delight to meet with so many parents at the information night and the "meet and greet" occasion and communicate our vision for 2016. With a population of 326 students and 236 families we are confident of continuing to develop an excellent environment for learning and teaching. As explained at the parent information evening our vision for improvement in 2016 will focus on the following four strategic areas.
1. Catholic Identity and Mission: Curriculum differentiation in teacher's Religious Education programs to ensure that every student is engaged and learning successfully.
2. Learning and Teaching: Student learning is improved through a revitalisation of the Voice Learning Principles, flexible pedagogies and design of the learning spaces.
3. Learning and Teaching: Strengthen a culture of improvement through a systematic, reflective and evidenced based approach to learning and teaching through the Newman Project for gifted learners and personalised learning for all students.
4. Student and Staff Wellbeing: The safety and support of our school environment is strengthened through the implementation of the resource Kids Matters.
You will find further details on the school website for your perusal.
Parent Engagement
We encourage all parents to take part in the many social activities and information sessions that are scheduled for 2016. We commence next week with the first P&F Meeting for the year. Come along and hear about ways you can contribute to the school community which will benefit your child in their education.
This coming Wednesday February 24th between 8.00 am and 9.00 am Mr Tim Butt will give an overview of the school website and how to access particular information when using the Blogs. Tim will also give an update on the BYOD program in the school.
May the week ahead be a peaceful one.
God Bless,