Sunday, 6 March 2016

Dear Parents and Friends,

Welcome to Catholic Schools Week!

This week we celebrate Sydney Catholic Schools as inspiring places of learning and evangelisation.

Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) is responsible for the leadership, efficient operation and management of the systemic schools which educate around 71,000 students in 150 parish primary and regional secondary schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney.

The allocation and administration of the funds provided by government and private sources for the operation of Catholic schools is a further responsibility of Sydney Catholic Schools. Its financial responsibilities extend to the administration of salaries for approximately 9,000 staff members (permanent, temporary and casual) employed in Archdiocesan schools and offices.

SCS works with schools in implementing its strategic improvement plan 'New Horizons: Inspiring Spirits and Minds' to provide support for schools and ensure that every student receives a high-quality Catholic education.

As part of these celebrations St Mary's School will hold our school open day next week on Thursday March 17th for the traditional Grandparents Day event. All families are invited to participate in the Liturgy, morning tea and visits to classrooms to see the learning in action.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Yours in peace,