Monday 30 January 2017

Welcome Back to St Mary’s School for 2017!

Dear Parents and Friends,

May I wish you a very warm welcome back to St Mary’s School for the 2017 School Year. I trust that you and your families have enjoyed a happy and successful start to the year and feel refreshed and re-energized after the summer break.

St Mary’s Staff returned to work last Friday for their professional learning day and all members are very motivated for the school year ahead and look forward to working in close partnership with you in the weeks and months to come.

Over the holidays the building project has progressed well with all of the demolition work completed. Security fencing has been erected around the building site which will affect a part of the playground usage for this year. In order to compensate for this loss of space the recess and lunch times will be staggered across the classes. This will not affect the start or finishing times of the school day.

The Year 2 and 3 classes will be accommodated in the demountable buildings this year and Year 4 will be located in the former staff room which has been modified to allow for this change. We look forward to welcoming all the students from Year 1 to 6 this coming Monday and our new Kindergarten classes on Tuesday. 

Kind regards,
Beverly Coffey